Based on the power system diagram which is plotted in the application software, an effective algorithm for power network topology identification is also presented. 研究了电力网通用图形化建模方法,提出了基于所绘电气接线图的电网拓扑结构识别的算法,为各种电气计算软件的开发奠定了基础。
And then a simple effective algorithm for the VQBP is proposed based on the relationship between the optimal solutions of the two value-type bilevel programming problems. 然后根据两个双层规划的最优解和最优目标值之间的关系,提出一种简单有效的算法来解决非增值型凸二次双层规划间题。
In addition, an effective algorithm to improve them for higher average information rate is proposed. 并对这些方案提出了改进算法,从而得到具有更大的平均信息率的新方案。
An effective algorithm is proposed to segment moving object in compressed domain and pixel domain method combined. 提出一种视频的压缩域与像素域特征结合的运动对象分割算法。
The Promotion of a Practical and Effective Algorithm of Higher-order Difference of Parabolic Equation 抛物型方程的一个实用有效的高阶差分算法的推广
Finally, the improved algorithm is proved to be a more effective algorithm in solving the problem of the low optimization accuracy by using three typical test functions. 采用典型算例对算法性能进行了验证分析,研究结果表明,该算法在解决鱼群算法后期优化精度低问题时可以获得更好的效果。
An effective algorithm to find the enhanced learning path is proposed which can establish enhanced learning path for each learner and give individual guidance. 并通过学习加强路径算法为每个学生建立学习加强路径,对学生进行个别化指导。
An effective algorithm of dividing plane simple polygon 一种分割平面简单多边形的高效算法
An Effective Algorithm Based on Hammerstein Digital Predistortion Model 一种基于Hammerstein模型的数字预失真算法
Smooth ATC model including wind power generators and its effective algorithm 含风电机组的ATC的光滑化模型及其有效算法
A simple, but effective algorithm is developed to calculate numerical values instead of linguistic rules. 一个简单却有效的算法被开发用于数值计算来代替语言规则。
Compared with the standard GA and simulated annealing algorithm, simulation results show that chaos ant colony optimization is a simple and effective algorithm. 与模拟退火算法、标准遗传算法进行比较,仿真结果表明该方法是一种简单有效的算法。
Based on the hierarchical clustering framework, an effective algorithm CSP is developed to mine compressed sequential patterns. 基于层次聚类框架,设计了一种有效的挖掘压缩序列模式的算法CSP。
In this article, according to the application requirements, an effective algorithm for digital frequency conversion is provided. 本文根据数字化干扰的应用需要,提出了一种有效的数字变频算法。
An Effective Algorithm for Large Scale Image and Terrain Data Walkthrough 一种海量地形影像数据的快速漫游算法
In this paper, an effective algorithm is derived for optimal estimation and multiresolutional decomposition of noisy random signals. 本文介绍了由最优估计和多分辨率分解含噪声信号产生的一种有效算法。
Research on Effective Algorithm Based on Privacy-preserving 基于隐私保护的有效保持匿名算法研究
At last, an effective algorithm model taking advance of a skillful encoding method is designed and called ACGA with self-adaptation adjustment of parameters based on cloud models. 最后,针对模型的具体特点,设计模型解的编码方式,并采用基于云模型的参数自适应蚁群遗传算法进行仿真,结果表明了模型和算法的有效性。
The test results on benchmark functions show that ADPSO achieves better solutions than other improved PSO, and it is an effective algorithm to solve multi-objective problems. 在基准函数的测试中,结果显示ADPSO算法比其他PSO算法有更好的运行效果,是求解多峰问题的一种有效算法。
We compare different algorithm extensively in various ways, and thereafter put forward a high-speed and effective algorithm to generate and test prime numbers. 在实际运用中提出一种可靠的高效运算的素数生成和检验算法。
A New Effective Algorithm for the Maximum Genus of Two Types of 3-regular Graphs 两类三正则图最大亏格的新有效算法
The Otsu's method is an effective algorithm for image segmentation, and has been widely employed in various real-time applications. 最大类间方差法是一种常用而有效的图像分割算法,并已在许多实时场合中采用。
This paper presents a new effective algorithm to solve the problem. 本文提出的新方法有效的解决了这一矛盾。
This paper, based on the thought of allocation and reclaim of the buddy system in data structure, provides an effective algorithm. 基于数据结构中的伙伴系统的分配与回收思想给出了一个有效的算法。
Aiming at the problem of equivalent conversion from conjunctive normal form to disjunctive normal form, an effective algorithm was proposed to construct reduction tree based on discernibility matrix. 针对差别矩阵求约简过程中合取范式向析取范式等价转换的难题,提出一种基于差别矩阵构造约简树的有效方法。
Effective algorithm of parallel twiddle factor generation for programmable FFT processing and its implementation 可变长FFT并行旋转因子高效产生算法及实现
To reduce the large amount of computation in the time domain analysis of SSI problem, an effective algorithm of calculating the convolution integrals was presented. 土&结相互作用的时域分析计算量很大,为减小计算量,提出了计算褶积分的有效方法。
The basic principle of the method is described, the synthetical optimization stitching model and effective algorithm are established based on simultaneous least-square fitting. 分析了该技术的基本原理,并基于最小二乘拟合建立了一种综合优化的拼接模型。
Trust region algorithm is an effective algorithm for unconstrained optimization problems. 信赖域算法是求解无约束优化问题的一种有效的算法。
This paper gives an effective algorithm for deciding of irreducibility and aperiodicity of nonnegative matrices. 本文为非负方阵不可约性和非周期性的判定给出了实现算法。